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Hearts on a blurry background
A Writer's Illicit Love Affair With Mathematics
Discover a writer's unique love affair with mathematics. Overcoming struggles with math anxiety, a failing grade and familial pressure, this writer leans on their love of language to find their way to a love of numbers.
The math symbol e in colors of blue on white background
My Favorite Video from Every Year of Numberphile
Discover the top 10 must-see Numberphile videos! From mind-bending math puzzles to fascinating number theories, these videos are sure to spark your curiosity and ignite your love for creative problem-solving.
Graffiti on Brick Wall Says Everything Has Beauty but Not Everyone Can See It
Explore Over 100 Links and Meet the Storytellers Who Bring Mathematics to Life
Unlock the exciting world of mathematics with our comprehensive list of 100+ resources. Including TV shows, podcasts, books, websites, and more. Meet the experts who make math fun and accessible for all.
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