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Science Communications With Sheeva Azma of Fancy Comma
Sheeva Azma is a successful science communicator who runs her own freelance business.

The Annotated Numberphile a Retrospective by Year
This is a new series that provides footnotes and personal refrences for Numberphile videos by year.

Join Me on the Finite Group Math Comm Discord
Finite Group is a team of math communicators well known to the community. They have launched a Discord with monthly live streams.

Turn Math Anxiety Into Awe Improving Your Health for Pi Day
Awe is unique because it transforms fear into personal growth. In this way, math-anxious people can also enjoy Pi Day.

10 Question Interview With Bernhard Werner
An interview with mathematcian Bernhard Werner who publishes videos about math.

A Valentine for Mathematics
Attempting to describe the ways that mathematics touches our hearts. Or the author's specficallly.