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Distract Yourself with an Emirp Checker
A fun program to check if a number is an Emirp. A number that is prime and when it is reversed is a different prime.

New Year Update 2024
A update on what is going on with the blog for 2025.

The Annotated Numberphile #4: Third Anniversary
The fourth in the series about every year of Numberphile. Videos about Klein bottles, infinity, and coin flips.

The Annotated Numberphile #3: The Second Anniversary
The third in the series about every year of Numberphile. Videos about Algebriac Geometry, the Mandelbrot Set, and the Taxicab Number.

The Annotated Numberphile #2: First Anniversary
This essay covers the first anniversary of Numberphile. There are a total of 79 videos for over 10 hours of content. These are my personal reflections.

The Annotated Numberphile #1 : The First Year
This is the first in a series about the YouTube channel Numberphile. We are revisting each year and personally annotating our favorite videos.