Tag: pi
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15 Creative Mathematical Cross Stitch Patterns for Math & Science Enthusiasts
Discover 15 math-inspired cross stitch patterns in this post. Enjoy expressing your passion for science or exploring a new hobby with these fun designs. With simple tutorials and beautiful patterns, this is a great way to unwind and stay occupied during uncertain times.

The Annotated Numberphile #2: First Anniversary
This essay covers the first anniversary of Numberphile. There are a total of 79 videos for over 10 hours of content. These are my personal reflections.

The Annotated Numberphile #3: The Second Anniversary
The third in the series about every year of Numberphile. Videos about Algebriac Geometry, the Mandelbrot Set, and the Taxicab Number.

The Annotated Numberphile #1 : The First Year
This is the first in a series about the YouTube channel Numberphile. We are revisting each year and personally annotating our favorite videos.

Join Me on the Finite Group Math Comm Discord
Finite Group is a team of math communicators well known to the community. They have launched a Discord with monthly live streams.

Pride Cross Stitch Patterns Celebrating the Beauty of Math
Celebrate your love of mathematics and embrace your queer identity with these stunning pride cross stitch patterns. Featuring the most beautiful equation in math, the Euler Identity.